Friday, August 7, 2009


this morning it was a mad rush to make it to puppet class by 9am. mason and i slept in until 7:30 and 8:00, respectively. at least madelyn was in a very agreeable and cooperative mood which made it a lot easier to get out the door in time. the puppet today was a lunch bag style pig. the kids were supposed to color the paper printed with the parts, cut them out, and then glue them on. most of the kids moved on to the other activities after coloring, thus leaving the mom's sitting around the craft table cutting out all the pieces and gluing them onto the puppet. you can see that madelyn had much more fun with the real puppets. although she did give her pig puppet a spin in the theater once i finished putting it together.

after a quick snack at home we went to the playground (at madelyn's request), although all she did for an hour was blow bubbles and we could have done that in the front yard.

i have decided that mason may never have a real nap schedule. i just don't see how it will be possible given the schedule of madelyn's activities and my meetings. at least he doesn't seem to mind. today i picked him up from napping in the swing and got him settled into the stroller where he slept until we got back home from the playground and i put him back into his swing. it looks like he is going to be as easy going as madelyn was as an infant (and still is when it comes to sleep). i obviously didn't make enough notes when madelyn was an infant about her sleep schedule and what i did when. there is so much that i can't remember and i have been extremely frustrated by my lack of record keeping. now i have to try and find which book i read about napping schedules. i really hate when i can't remember things!

just for the record - madelyn has been asking to hold my hand a lot. and not just when we are out and about, but in the house too. like after i change her diaper she wants to hold my hand to walk out of her room. i think some of it is her being possessive of me. she also asks to be carried like "maddie baby". she does the request in a baby like voice too. i am sure that it is just another phase so i wanted to note it. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

So funny. I seem to have fallen into the same thing i did with Lorelai with Kinley- as we do a little more catering to Kinley's nap than to Lorelai's activities. I do have the advantage of Grandma in town to stay at the hosue with Kinley while she's napping if a play date arises or something. I wish my kids were as sleep-flexible as yours. Lorelai has gotten a lot better about car naps if the trip is far enough, but still prefers to be in her bed. Kinley will sleep if in motion, but is doing so less and less unless its in the car. :(

Witenkling Mommy said...

I've been thinking about this all day (after my wee hours in the morning post). I can't decide which is preferable - predictable sleep times during the day or a kid who will sleep in any situation. hmmm. I guess as long as baby is happy and alert and sleeps at night, then it works????