last night i went out to buy her special drinks and treats for our potty training session. i can only imagine what the cashier thought when the items pictured were all i purchased. since madelyn never eats this stuff, i wasn't really sure what she would like and the variety really did pay off for me.
the day began with madelyn coming into our room at 5am (shortly after i got back in bed from mason's 4:30am feeding) to tell us that it was raining. we were having a really bad storm and there was lots of lightning and thunder. i don't think she was scared though. matt and i were too tired to try and get her back into bed so we just let her get up into our bed. i hope that she doesn't think that will be a regular thing. matt said that she played with his face for most of the time she was in our bed. i went to get up for mason around 7:30am (i don't think that he ever really went back to sleep either) and madelyn was wide awake. at least she laid there quietly the whole time. mason greeted me with a big smile, but madelyn's temperament was not going to be quite as pleasant.
first she was upset that daddy and mason were going in the car without her. next the idea of taking off her diaper and putting on big girl underwear was the most devastating news she had ever heard. it took almost and hour to convince her to give them a try and i had to bribe her with some of the candy treats. she was really too tired to try anything new, but i was really committed to getting it done while matt and mason were out. once i got her into the underwear she was really excited about it and the training went really well. the only accident was when she went poopie. she even made it all the way through her nap (2-1/2 hours) with a dry bed! she woke up crying and it was really rough from there on out. she had several accidents, but did stop mid tantrum to go and use the potty which impressed me.

she went to bed with pull-ups though because i am not too sure that she could go all night and wake up dry. all in all i am calling the day a success because she went in her potty the majority of the time, even times when her underwear would get a little wet. i am hoping that tomorrow will be a lot dryer. the great thing is that this method of training has her do everything. she cleans up after her accidents, puts on her underwear, empties her potty, etc. all by herself so it is easy for me because i don't have to be available when she needs to go; she just takes care of it.
we had to get her trained because she is now in a size 7 diaper (for her height, not width) and there isn't a bigger size to move up to - this was just the end of the line. and we needed her to have the hang of things before we have to add winter clothes to the mix.
madelyn is very excited about it and i have already moved all diaper supplies out of her room. we are officially down to one diapered kid! love.
Wow! I am thoroughly impressed. One diaper-kid. Lorelai went potty in another public restroom yesterday - at the library, but is in a bit of a mood these past few days. She's a little sick. Anyway... you used "PT in a day" and liked it? I like the idea of her being in charge of everything. Still trying to decide when would be a good time for us to commit- have a mini trip in two weeks and NY in October... maybe in between.
just curious... what size panties did you get? I have no concept of size for Lorelai.
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