she kept complaining that her "teeth hurt". when she was saying it at dinner and crying when she tried to eat a tortilla, i asked her to show me which teeth hurt. she pointed to her front teeth but i didn't see anything. when she showed daddy which teeth hurt he noticed that her throat looked red. i couldn't believe how swollen it was when i looked! we called the doctor's office and she and daddy headed out a half-hour later.
the doctor thought for sure that she had strep, but the test came back negative. it is definitely something viral though and we need to keep her home until her fever breaks. i am just glad to have the mystery solved.
somehow she managed to stay accident free all day! she even woke up with a dry pull-up. and tonight she didn't want to wear one, so we'll see what happens tonight.
today i noticed that she has three freckles. two on her right thigh and one on her right check near her eye. normally i wouldn't have really noticed them but lorelai (madelyn's blog friend) recently had some show up so i have been watching for them. madelyn's response, "mommy, take it off". love.
Hope she's feeling better soon. But great news on the PT! I have both my boys sans-pull-ups tonight ... we'll see how that goes...I did just go in there (around 1:45am) and wake them both up to go real quick. I can't decide what I hate more ... buying pull-ups or changing sheets in the middle of the night :)
Aw, poor thing. I hope she's feeling better soon. Yeah for freckles :) Did you name them? I guess not if she asked to take thrm off. Maybe if you ask her when she's feeling better. I asked my dermatogolist about them (at my annual visit) and she said sporadic freckles at this age will likely become moles.
Hope the rest of the crew stays healthy... its hard to keep doting big sisters from the little ones.
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