Thursday, August 20, 2009

but what about mason?

i feel like mason hasn't been getting enough coverage in my posts so here is one just about him.

mason has slept 8+ hours for the third night in a row. we are working on napping, but it looks like he is going to take two 2-3 hour naps if i let him nap on his belly. he is still very easy going about the daytime schedule - which is great. as long as he isn't cranky because of it that is. when he is awake he is very alert and quite verbal. here is some happy mason from this afternoon for your viewing pleasure.

despite how it looks in the video, mason is not very fond of the bouncer chair. sometimes he starts crying the second i put him in it! her prefers to be laying in the play yard or being held of course.

the most common comment about mason, besides "he is so big", is that he has huge hands. they aren't freakishly large by any means, but i do think that they are a little larger than madelyn's were and larger than most babies his age. granted he is a lot larger overall than most babies his age.

i am still undecided about what color his eyes are - or rather what color they are going to be. they are defiantly blue, but i think that they might end up being hazel or green. i think that his hair is more of a strawberry blond. i keep saying that it is lighter than madelyn's but matt disagrees. of course i am the one who spends hours a day looking at and studying their heads while they are/were nursing. and matt doesn't really notice those kinds of things anyway.

really we have been blessed with another great, easy-going baby. we have been doubly blessed. love.


Grandma Z. said...

Absolutely adorable. He just looks like a sweetie!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Another easy-going sleeper, imagine that :) SOmetimes I feel that way about Kinley- like I do not post enough about her, but once those milestones start getting hit, I'm sure I'll feel I'm neglecting Lorelai. It all balances out.