Sunday, August 9, 2009

big girl: day 2

the first thing out of madelyn's mouth this morning was "i'm pooping!" (she calls everything pooping initially) and then she went and did her business on the potty. when i came in she pointed in her potty and said "ta-da!". her pull-up was a little bit wet, but for her first all-nighter i thought she did really great. she had a great morning with only one poopie accident when she just didn't get to the bathroom and get her underwear off fast enough.

when she woke up from her nap it was a different story. she came out of her room crying and went right into the bathroom. she told us that she had wet her bed too. it seemed like she had just forgotten that she wasn't wearing her diaper when she first woke up and only remembered once she started going. she did stop herself and finished in the potty though. i wasn't too surprised since her nap was almost 4 hours; i was pretty much expecting the bed to be wet. and that was just the beginning. i think that she might have gone to the potty with dry underwear once or twice all afternoon/evening. there were a lot of tears and underwear changes. we don't discipline her for having an accident so that wasn't why she was crying. she was just disappointed in herself and upset that she had to clean up her mess.

we thought that she was crying a lot in the afternoon because she was up until around 10pm last night with our dinner guests and was just tired. this idea was further fueled by her request to "sleep" shortly after waking up from her nap and generally laying on the floor or couch with friend all evening. she also asked to go to bed and read books before dinner. it wasn't until just before bedtime that we discovered why she might have been crying so much - she has a fever! i just took her temperature with a forehead strip (just to see if she had a fever) and it 'lit up' to 102.8. it isn't the most accurate, but she definitely had enough of a fever to get some motrin. she told me that she doesn't feel bad, so hopefully this will be short lived. i am also hoping that this is the root of her problem with accidents this afternoon.

on the plus side, mason slept for 8 hours straight last night! that is the most continuous sleep i have had in almost a year! i am hoping for a repeat tonight. he also took a 3 hour nap in his crib today. granted, i had to let him nap on his belly to get him to settle down in the crib without a swaddle but i was happy that he had a nice nap in his room. it gives me a lot more freedom to get things done if he sleeps in his crib because i know he is safe and i can just carry around the monitor.

he was super chatty after his nap and we spent some quality time laying on the floor and 'talking'. he has even added vowel/consonant combinations to his 'vocabulary' with an "ah-goo". he is a very happy chatter. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

aw, poor Maddie. Hopefully tomorrow's a better day. so sad that she cried out of her disappointment in herself. On the other hand, way to go Mason - way to sleep! he'll be sleeping 12 hours before kinley :) no surprise there- The G-kids know how to sleep :) Awesome that he napped so well in his crib.

Grandma Z. said...

Sounds like Maddie is doing a great job. I hope she's not too hard on herself. Can't wait to see more of mason talking and cooing. They are both too cute!