she was cracking us up pretending to talk to both sets of grandparents at the same time on two cell phones in the car this morning. she was even excited to have me take her picture.
we have noticed a significant 'jump' in madelyn's conversational skills in the past week. it is kind of difficult to describe, but she has basically added a lot more detail to everything she says and is much more engaged in everything we are doing. she asks a lot of questions and checks the status of where we are and what we are doing next.
it is almost as if moving to underwear catapulted her into 'big girl-hood". today she even used the full sized toilet at sams (we have been having problems with her holding it until she can have her "potty" at home). and here she is being chauffeured around the mall today. she was sitting with her legs crossed, eating her snack, and just casually commenting on everyone and everything - i had to take a picture.

yesterday we went to the zoo after puppet class. it rained on the way to puppet class but it was dry afterwords so off we went. plus, madelyn was very excited to be going. and once we got there i discovered why she was so excited - snacks! it was even better yesterday because it was the zoo a la carte which is where local restaurants set up all over the zoo like a 'taste of the town' event. she barely noticed the animals because she was so interested in all the food to be eaten. after taking our normal route around to all the animals we got some tickets to 'buy' our lunch as a special treat.
just as we got settled down at a table the rain started again. it wasn't a real rain, just a heavy drizzle. but it just kept coming down and the longer we ate our lunch the wetter we got. i finally decided to call it a day when the water started to drip off the stroller. i have decided that the double stroller is a lot of trouble when it is raining. it took me forever to get both kids and all of our stuff in the car and i still had to fight the stroller into the trunk. needless to say i was a frizzy, damp mess!
i had promised madelyn we would get ice cream at the zoo but with the rain i didn't want to be outside any more. i had to compromise. madelyn wanted to eat her ice cream outside so i told her that she could eat it on our deck. i picked her up a scoop on the way home and set her up with a towel to sit on while out on the deck (remember that it had rained and everything was soaked). she sat out on the deck, by herself (i was feeding mason), and ate her ice cream. as i write about it i realize that i should have taken a picture - oh well.
we still had a lovely day. madelyn has just been a joy to be with recently and we are loving every minute! love.
I'm glad to hear the 'terrible twos' don't seem to be affecting Maddie. They are not much fun. My girls are in the 22nd club, too - Kinley is 7 months today and Lorelai is 29 months :) Is Maddie's hair getting darker?
Maddie looks soooo grown up in the pic taken at the mall. Glad you are enjoying her so much as she grows b/c as I look at her pic and read your comments, she is growing up so fast! Love the phone pic too! It was so great to hear her on the phone Friday eve.
Love, Nana
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