i haven't been able to get a good picture of his big smile (this is the closest i have come) because the camera scares him a little i think. as soon as i bring it into his line of sight he looses the smile and gets very still. maybe matt can help me this weekend by holding the camera behind me instead of me trying to hold it so close to his face.
in other baseball news, we went to matt's softball game last night (i know not really 'baseball news') and as always madelyn was excited to be there. when i told her that we were going that night while i was driving her to school she began to tell me all about the last game where matt had hit a home run and she cheered. she remembered so much about the game and kept telling me that we would cheer, "good job, daddy, good job," after daddy hits the ball with his bat. at the game she kept telling anyone that would make eye contact, "number 6 is my daddy, see him?," while pointing at matt (or a few times which ever man from his team was standing closest to her at the time). she has gotten really good at looking into the field and locating her daddy even though everyone is dressed the same and wearing hats. her other humorous comment from the game came whenever matt would bat. she would start cheering "good job, daddy" and clapping. then she added "home race" for a home run. he didn't hit one but she kept telling me that "daddy ran fast because he hit a home race." how cute is that? love.
What a handsome little Mason-man. I could just eat him up. Maybe Maddie will be a sports announcer when she grows up :)
Maddie is such a good dancer!! Mason is just too funny with his excitement for Mr Ruth, but I think it's more the Black and White that he sees. Sorry Matt.
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