Monday, August 3, 2009

another day, another mood

madelyn is a different girl today than she was last night. she has just been a delight this morning! i was a little worried that she would be just as bad (or worse) than last night because she woke up at 1am when she couldn't find friend. but she woke up happy and we have had a nice morning together. while i was cleaning up from a diaper explosion, madelyn got into the crib with mason and was bouncing happily. she was so excited to be up in the crib and was careful not to get too close to mason. her own bed has a foam mattress so bouncing doesn't really work out all that great.

after saying good-bye to nana and daddy, we went down to play in the pool and backyard. it had rained some overnight and in the early morning, so i thought that it might be too cold for her but madelyn did not care one bit. she had a great time playing keep away with the dogs. she gets their ball and puts it in the pool. then she teases them with it until lady snatches it away. then she gets out and chases lady around laughing hysterically trying to get it back. i think that they wore each other out.

with all the work daddy has been doing in the backyard, madelyn has been into watching things grow. she got out of the pool and told me that she was "going to watch the flowers grow. be right back." and then she went over to inspect, smell, and watch the flowers. she has even asked to bring a chair over to "watch the flowers grow." while madelyn was watching the flowers, i went over to check out the garden and see what i was going to have to cook with soon. madelyn came over to join me and after taking inventory of everything we picked a few carrots that had been pushed up out of the soil a little bit.

for some reason the carrots really put madelyn in to a talkative mood (it is substantially less in the videos) and i used that to my advantage when we came in to get them cleaned for eating. (i didn't edit any of the videos down - sorry.)

and here she is saying her name. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Man, she is going to town on those carrots! I love that she loves veggies :) Ok, I think the story about her wanting to go watch the flowers grow is just about the cutest thing I've ever heard. Children admire the simple things. Yeah for saying her name!