here is madelyn's mason boy in another of his series of onesies from the baby shower. this one says "my name is trouble". he is getting ready to cry in the picture so that is why he has that look on his face. we were getting ready to go back out to the pool after madelyn's nap and i thought that he looked cute in his little hat and was trying to get a picture.
friday matt brought home this baseball/bat table and chair. one of his co-workers had bought it for us (a steal for $15 at a trendy boutique here). madelyn was very excited about it and requested to eat her snack at it in mason's room when she saw it for the first time. she just came out of her room, came in mason's room and sat down. when i told her that she couldn't eat in mason's room she asked me to help her carry it to the kitchen. such a clever girl.
one more food related maddie story. i have mentioned that madelyn is extremely affectionate after meals. she is also extremely considerate about her dirty hands not getting on us. she holds her hands in fists so that she doesn't get us dirty when she hugs us. we never asked her to do this, she came up with it all on her own. love.
So smart to ask to move the table. We have several nicknames for Kinley and Lorelai picks up on them, too. Sometimes I try to restrain myself so that Kinley doesn't grow up with a not so flattering nick name. Most of the names we make up are silly phrases, rhymes or sounds. :)
Wow, that is a great table and chair. I don't blame Maddie for wanting to eat at it. Mason is too cute!
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