Friday, August 14, 2009

fun in the sun

we had a very fun and busy morning today! first mason got up around 6am (after 8 hours of straight sleep - yea!) and we were off and running. today we had puppet playtime class at 9am before meeting friends at a new pool at 10am and a picnic lunch afterwards.

one of our friends suggested a nearby park pool to meet at today. it has a zero-depth pool with a sand area and playground all separated from the regular pool by a huge hedge of bushes. you can't even see the other pool so there is no temptation for little ones to wander off. i wasn't quite sure how it was going to work with madelyn and mason, but i put him in the moby wrap and was free to follow madelyn around. i don't think the water ever got deeper than my knee. madelyn really enjoyed it.
here is a view of the pool. it was pretty crowded. here is the view of the pool after they had every get out because someone had pooped in it. and no it wasn't madelyn. i was a little worried about letting her go without her swimming diaper but she did great. there is an employee with gloves and a bio hazard bag doing a sweep in the picture. i thought that it was pretty funny, but it cut our fun down by an hour while they took care of it.

the video is madelyn doing these barrel rolls she just started doing next to the slide.

and here she is sliding. the lifeguard had to keep reminding her to wait her turn.

we took the poop evacuation as a cue to head out and have our picnic lunch. after we were done madelyn and her friend jason went to another table and she shared her leftovers. it was so cute that i had to take a picture.

both kids fell asleep on the way home. madelyn didn't take a very long nap (1-1/2 hours), but she was happy and delightful the rest of the day so it must have been enough. she colored nicely while i worked this afternoon. she was very low maintenance today. there was no disagreeing, no multiple requests, little to no crying, and she didn't even announce when she needed to go to the bathroom. she would just get up and go to the bathroom, clean up, and come back. i love it when a day goes like this!

we were all excited when daddy got home and we could have dinner (glazed salmon). after dinner we took a walk around the neighborhood. we only made it as far as the park, but it was a nice night and we enjoyed the company of a few neighbors. mason hung out in the stroller and could not have been happier to kick his legs and take in the fresh air. he was just smiling and 'talking' happily. madelyn had a great time playing and then we had them walk back to check out our garden. she loves showing everyone what is growing in her garden. she even got a carrot that daddy pulled. surprisingly she ate the whole thing while it was still covered in dirt. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

What a great pool and slide- the open-ness of it would be less intimidating for little ones. Love the picture of Maddie and Jason. sounds like a picture perfect day. Maybe you should try shorter naps more often :) I love when Lorelai wakes up happy/ in a good mood. I can't believe you let her eat the carrot with dirt on it!