Saturday, June 25, 2011

birthday saturday #3: toys-r-us

after lunch we took them to toys-r-us to pick out their birthday present(s).  this part was not a surprise.  madelyn has been talking about what kinds of toys she was going to pick out for weeks.  we gave them each $20 to pick what ever they wanted.  the thought was that it would be more economical for us with all of the house expenses and it would ensure that they really loved their new toy(s) since our space is so limited.

i thought that the trip would take longer than it did, but they both picked out what they wanted pretty quickly.  mason selected a thomas the train mega block set.  madelyn picked a strawberry shortcake sweets shoppe set and a my little pony set with two ponies.  she had some back and forth with a disney princess set too, but really wanted strawberry shortcake and my little pony because she didn't have that any toys like those before her birthday.

i can't believe that i didn't take any pictures, but we were just having too much fun celebrating.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

My grandpa used to take us shopping on our bdays and let us pick something out - also took us to dinner just the birthday kid and him (and later his wife). it was a fun tradition. My mom and dad started it with Lorelai this year :)