Wednesday, June 15, 2011

there is that smile!

while his big sister and brother were napping after our afternoon at the zoo, maddx was mister smiles again.  i was glad to see that he was back to his normal self, but i wished that he had been like this when we were taking pictures!  oh well.

not only was he all smiles, but he was chatty too.  i took a little video to share  i think this was the first he discovered that if he can see it, he can get to it.  he even took his first proper crawling 'step'!

maddux didn't stop at crawling either.  he sat himself all the way up for the first time too!  we were planning on lowering his crib last weekend and didn't get to it but it has to happen this weekend for sure!

he is really starting to get all over the place and i am going to have to keep a closer watch on what scraps of paper and stickers his sister and brother leave laying around.  he has already gotten a few stickers into his mouth.

i love this 'dismount' at the end of the first video (and all of the smiles and giggles).  the second video just gives a taste of his moving around.  nothing too exciting.  i was actually trying to catch him sitting himself up but he gets distracted by our bed.  love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

He's getting such a personality! i just love his smile and he seems so excited about sitting up.