Saturday, June 18, 2011

testing our wings

we spent the morning selecting counter tops for the house - more on that in another post.  since we were going to be down by the house we thought that we would pack a lunch and our swimsuits for some fun in the sun.  madelyn could not have been more excited!  her new mermaid ("and dolphin") flotation device helped add to the excitement.

it was a little overcast, but still warm (around 80).  the pools however were not warm.  matt (i think a little dramatically) declared that they must be around 65 degrees.  once you got in it wasn't all that bad.  to mason, who had a fever, thought that it was wonderful and got right to splashing everyone. 
madelyn and mason were both a little panicked about being in regular pool (versus the kiddie pool we are in the for above picture that is only 1-1/2 feet deep at the deepest point).  mason wouldn't even get in the water any more.  i was able to coax madelyn into letting me carry her for a little bit and worked up to a doggie paddle.  if you ask her about it she will declare - "i know how to swim now!", but she has a very, very long way to go before i would call it 'swimming'.

here is a little bit of her in action.  love.


Grandma Z. said...

What a great picture of all of you (minus Matt). Such a good pool for the kiddos. Love Maddie's swimming!

Anonymous said...

Loved the pics and "movie". I hope you can use the pool a lot over the summer months and that they become great swimmers! Nana

Witenkling Mommy said...

Fantastic kiddie pool!! You will get so much use out of it in the months to come :)