Wednesday, June 1, 2011

potting training part 2

i wish i could post the pictures, but since there is nudity i won't.  instead i will try and be as descriptive as possible.

now that madelyn is out of school for the summer i am ready to really tackle potty training mason.  we dabbled once before and he just wasn't ready.  but i am feeling better this time around.  i am done with two in diapers and i want him trained before we move into the house or go to florida in the fall.  and it was like he read my mind...

when i went to give them their baths on monday night mason tried to climb up on our toilet.  i got him the little seat and helped him up.  he pointed his penis down and watched and waited.  his diaper was warm so i didn't have high hopes but was encouraged that he wanted to do it and was patient on the toilet (a huge difference from when i tried to train him before).

tonight i saw him getting into his pooping posture so i asked him if he wanted to go in the potty (which i do from time to time).  to my utter shock and amazement he said yes! (or at least he gave the single grunt which means "yes".) so off to the bathroom we headed.  he always tries to get up on the toilet but isn't quite tall enough to do it on his own.  i got out the little potty (i hid it in their shower when we had the designer over on tuesday night).  he sat on it and tried to go for about a minute and then stood up, picked up the entire potty and took off down the hall.  since he couldn't tell me where he was going - the no talking thing - i had to just wait and see what he was up to.  he made his way to the kitchen, set down the potty, sat down and started trying to go to the bathroom.  he was really trying too.  he put the potty exactly where i had it when we tried potty training a few months ago too!  i asked if he wanted a book (like the potty book we got from the library a few weeks ago) and he grunted a "yes".  i think he sat on that potty in the kitchen for at least 5 minutes!  i tried to give him some privacy but kept checking back to make sure he wasn't making a mess with anything that might end up in the potty. 

he was so cute.  he was trying so hard to make sure his penis was pointing down and kept peeking to see if there was anything happening.  i wish you could see the pictures.  he is almost too tall for the potty so his knees were really high, he had the book balancing on his knees and was ducking his head down to 'read'.  he was being so patient.

i think he and i are going to give it another go on sunday.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Soounds very promising! good luck