i am starting to not bring the carrier into the house because he can sit up fairly well and it is so heavy! while matt was with us over the weekend i decided that it would be a good time to see if maddux could handle sitting in restaurant highchairs and shopping carts.
he did so great! he is a little wobbly still, but he sat up happily and didn't slide around too much during lunch and rode in two different shopping carts. since everything went so great with matt around, i thought that i would brave the grocery store too.
we dropped matt off to finish up at the house and since he was going to be pretty late, i took the kids to the grocery store by myself.
boys in the cart together. |
once mason saw the camera he put his head next to maddux and said, "cheese". |
we left the store three hours later! maddux was now asleep in my emergency sling and i was supporting his head with one arm (which was covered in drool). (my "emergency sling" is something i carry in the diaper bag in case i need my hands free and can't carry, or don't have, the carrier.) the kids could not have been better behaved! even when we were there an hour longer than i planned and that it was past dinner time, they both waited patiently and were very pleasant. i was sweating by the time we got into the car! maddux was a little heat source up against me and i had to do the end of the trip with only one arm (the cart was very heavy and we had a lot of groceries to put on the check-out belt). but we made it! love.
another impressive mommy-task completion. Yay for your kiddos hanging on contently for three hours at the store!
Three hours! Very impressive! I just started taking Brayden (the 7-month old I babysit) in shopping carts, too. The carrier is def too heavy at their age. It would be nice for him to have a brother to lean against, though, like Maddux does. Love that pic of him and Mason.
it took so long because we hadn't been in three weeks (except for milk and eggs) and i had a lot to buy.
maddux did lean on mason a lot. mason was very nice about it too; even though he didn't really like maddux leaning on him for too long. every now and then mason would lean forward and maddux would sort of lay down behind him.
Aside from the leaning I think Maddux looks like a 12 month old in those photos!
well @our family, he is wearing 12-18 month outfits so you are probably right! just another tall one.
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