Monday, June 13, 2011

the napless

mason has been unwilling to go to sleep at night.  he is generally calm and pleasant so it wouldn't be a big deal except that it makes him super cranky the next morning and he can barely last until nap time.  today he was such a mess that i decided to try and break the cycle by skipping his afternoon nap.

once we got through lunch, the day was delightful!  he and madelyn played nicely (and quietly) during "nap time" and i was able to get a lot of things done.  i couldn't believe that he made it through the whole day without dosing off or becoming increasingly whiny.  and then we ate dinner.  i think his nice warm meal made him feel a little cozy and his eyelids started getting very heavy.  the video isn't as funny as he was the rest of the meal, but it is what i was able to catch.
after dinner he was back to bouncing off the walls!  and he didn't go to bed any more quickly.  madelyn went through this same thing at this age.  we will see where this goes tomorrow...  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

I can't imagine no naps! do you at least get some quiet time out of the older two?