Wednesday, October 21, 2009


no pictures today, but there are stories that must be told...

- i got an injury report today when i picked madelyn up from school. at first i thought that it was a note that madelyn got in trouble but upon reading it i learned that she had been bit. madelyn wouldn't give someone a train she was playing with so they bit her on the finger. apparently it was a very hard bite because she still had a red arc on her pointer finger when she went to bed tonight. thankfully it didn't break the skin. her teacher said that they washed it and put on an ice pack. and of course everything was fine once they gave her friend to snuggle. when i asked madelyn about it when we got home she said, "that boy ate me".

- mason got a new quilt to lay on from his great aunt celeste (and great uncle john). when we showed madelyn that mason's name was on the back of it madelyn was a little sad. that is until i showed her the quilt that great aunt celeste made for her when she was born with her name on it! it is now known as "my special blanket. see my name on it?" she brought it to school this week for nap time. and when we skyped with grandma and big pop she must have tried to show them her name at least ten times. "she my name? see my name? m-a-d-a". okay so she doesn't know how to spell her name just yet...

- madelyn is always my helper and now instead of telling me that mason is ready to roll over when he gets fussy she just rolls him over herself. she isn't rough, she just isn't as gentle as i am. mason doesn't cry so it isn't too rough. she even rolls him back to his belly after he calms down on his back. when he is on his belly sometimes she tells him, "crawl, crawl, crawl, mason, crawl." he must be hearing her because he has started to pull his knees up under him today.

- madelyn's naps have been more consistently four hours and yesterday i may have found out why. usually i put her down and then have some lunch and a few moments to myself before heading back to the office and turning on the video monitor so that i can see when she wakes up. on tuesday i was really busy and went straight back to the office after putting madelyn down. the picture on the monitor seemed a little bright to me but sometimes it seems bright during daytime naps. as i looked at the picture i realized that madelyn wasn't in bed; she was sitting on the floor in front of her dresser 'reading' library books. after looking at books for a while she got into bed and laid there for a while. then this is what i heard about an hour after i had said good bye to her:

"ready to go to sleep, friend?"
"yes? okay." (snuggling up with friend under the covers)
(a few minutes pass)
"oh. i need to turn the light off, okay?" (gets out of bed to turn the light off)
(snuggles back in and goes to sleep.)

we are happy to have matt back home after two days away on a business trip. he was only gone one night, but missed two bed times so it felt like longer to me. love.


Grandma Z. said...

Tell Maddie to stay away from boys!HA That is such a cute story of the boy thaat ate her. She lives an adventurous life.

Witenkling Mommy said...

'the boy ate me!' ha! Lorelai reads books before going to bed, too, and plays with her friends and such. However, she isn't as good about going to sleep afterwards every day. The last two days have been napless. Its great that she gently rolls Mason over. I don't think lorelai would be so gentle. :)