- mason has reached the stage where everything he can get his hands on goes in his mouth. madelyn has been learning this the hard way. every stuffed animal she brings to him ends up getting really soggy or "dirty" as madelyn calls it. i have had to blow dry a few so that she would stop complaining about it.
- madelyn was cracking me up one day in the car. if i could have gotten to my camera i would have taken video just for the audio. she was over the moon excited about the changing leaves. "oooo! i see it! i see it! those leaves are yellow! look there are some on mason's side! mason, see the leaves? see the leaves? i see them! i see them!" and then she saw a yellow jeep. "look, mommy, that car matches." yes, madelyn, yes, it does. matching has been a popular observation lately.

- matt was reading to the kids and they were both paying attention. mason now laughs at the books when i turn the pages. he seems to like "goodnight moon" and "goodnight gorilla" the most.

- mason is spending more and more time sitting up in his bumbo chair. he has also started to follow daddy and madelyn as they move around him and not just mommy.
- madelyn to mommy and daddy, "what are you doing?
- mommy, "we're hanging out."
- madelyn, "what are you hanging, daddy?"
- on one of the rough nights last week madelyn spent the early morning hours in our bed so that i could try to sleep a little more. when matt got up madelyn told me, "daddy's going to work." i replied, yes, daddy is going to work. madelyn then said, "i work downstairs." yes, mommy works downstairs. madelyn - "i work downstairs too." and then she rolled over and snuggled with friend again.
with two kids things just happen faster than i can get them recorded here and i think that it is just going to get worse. expect these random posts to increase. love.
1 comment:
I'm all about the misc. posts! so much great info in little snippets. Good for mom and readers :)
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