Thursday, October 22, 2009

new seats

i am exhausted today so this is going to be short. i just felt bad about not having any pictures to post yesterday so i made sure to take some of mason today.

mason had an exciting day with a few firsts. he has sat in the bumbo chair before, but i remembered that we had a tray for it this morning and thought that he might like sitting in it more if he could reach some toys. madelyn got really into it and wanted him to play with all of his toys at once. i think he got a little overwhelmed in the playroom. not only did he have a lot of toys to play with but madelyn was playing with a lot of her noisy toys too. she just wants to teach him everything she knows.

before dinner i brought up the highchair so that mason can sit at the table with us instead of straining to see all the action from his swing. it didn't last very long because having him there was too distracting for madelyn and matt wasn't home for dinner so it was just me and i was already spent from a very busy work (and kid) day.

i was expecting to have some good posts from our weekend activities but the weather doesn't look particularly promising for the weekend so we will see. love.


Anonymous said...

Love that first pic of Mason on this blog. So cute! Thanks so much for the pictures!!!!Love, Nana G.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Yeah for seats! I was SO happy when Kinley joined us at the table!!!