Tuesday, October 13, 2009

mason's a sleeper

it hasn't been a temporary event - mason is sleeping through the night! he sleeps from about 7:30pm to at least 7am. as soon as he got that part straightened out he decided that he is going to start napping too. he has been taking a short nap (30 minutes to an hour) about an hour after waking up and then taking a four hour nap in the afternoon starting about 1:30.

at night i read him "goodnight moon" before feeding him and he really seems to enjoy it. he studies the pages and becomes less active and ready for sleep as i read. sometimes madelyn joins us for story time which is a treat for me. i love snuggling both kids on my lap and reading to them.

it has been so weird to suddenly have him sleeping so much during the day. it starts to make me nervous and i will go in a check on him once he gets to four hours. its the same thing in the morning when it gets to 8am and i still haven't heard from him. he is usually wide awake and just laying there sucking his thumb. so, really, who knows how long he sleeps because he waits in silence for me to come and get him. sometimes i will hear him rocking side to side but he doesn't cry out.

speaking of rocking, he loves to hold his feet and rock back and forth, side to side. he is just a happy kid and keeps himself so content all the time. we are really blessed to have had two super easy babies. love.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie! So glad he is into a nice sleeping schedule for you. Yes, you are lucky. Goodnight Moon was Matt's favorite book when he was little - we read it many times. Wish I could squeeze Mason.
Love, Nana G.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Boy, you sure lucked out! No wonder you'd like to have more. If I have anymore, I'll have to learn your magic :)