i originally thought that there were only going to be 10 kids so i had gotten goodie bags together with each child's name and specially selected gifts. madelyn helped me hole-punch and tie up each bag and was very proud of her contribution. i had made one extra bag just in case there was someone there that i wasn't expecting but then i started to worry that one wouldn't be enough and checked the evite list. good thing i did because there are going to be 22 kids! way more than our normal group.
back to the store for 'plan b'... instead of gift bags i made straw, lollipop, halloween ring combos. madelyn helped with these as well but kept asking where the bags were. oops. i guess it is better that i caught the larger number before we got there so that i could fix it. i was also asked to bring a snack. just some cookies or fruit? nope. i had to make peanut butter spiders. i don't think that there is any hope for me, but i hope that i can keep from passing this over achieving disorder to my children... love.

I feel badly that I asked you to ship a costume to me on top of everything else. You may think you're an overachiever, but I think you're an amazing mom. I wish I could do all the stuff you do!
You rock!I share your passion! If you are going to do it, you might as well do it to your standards. It doesnt hurt that you get to look cool too! I love being the best and you ARE THE BEST!
I am amazed at how much you accomplish! Good thing Victor doesn't know -- I would look really bad.
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