- i gave madelyn a lorna doone cookie on friday and she looked at it and told me that "grandma gave this to me" very matter of factly. i corrected her that, no, we bought these cookies at the store the day before. but then i remembered that grandma had given her some lorna doone cookies almost a year ago!!
- we were watching the news last night and a car commercial came on. madelyn said "slow down!" to the car racing around on wet roads. i thought that it was pretty funny that she was so concerned for its safety. she is so interested in cars lately. their speed, their color, the people driving them, where they are going, stopping, going, etc.

- madelyn was so cute imitating mason while they were 'talking' to each other this morning that i had to get my camera. here are the best of the bunch - where they are both looking any way.

- tonight at church i got paged out of service. the kids share a number so i wasn't sure which one needed my attention, but assumed that it was mason. nope. it was madelyn. she had peed on the floor! she told them that she needed to have her diaper changed and that was when they realized that she was wearing wet underwear. at least it didn't get on her dress because i did not have a change of clothes for her (i haven't carried even a change of underwear for months). when i got there i asked her if big girls went pee-pee in their underwear and she gave an expressive, "no" (imagine mock-horror at the idea of going pee-pee in underwear). of course i was mortified. at least the lady running the toddler room tonight said that madelyn was cracking her up with all of her expressions and enthusiasm - she couldn't believe that she was only two. since there wasn't really much i could do they sent me back into the service. after church madelyn said that she had to go potty and matt took her. i guess she was telling him that she went in her pants and then said "madelyn, madelyn, madelyn" while shaking her head. i am pretty sure that she got that from me.
who knows what adventures await us tomorrow! love.
Boy Mason is long! I will be interested in his 4 month stats.
Maybe the touch a truck spurred her interest in vehicles. Lorelai has conversations with Kinley, but has never made them exclusive :) Actually, Kinley tries to talk to Lorelai a lot more than Lorelai to Kinley :) Happy to hear Maddie is still in love with her little bro.
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