halloween weekend has begun! and madelyn finally gets to wear her red wig. friday night the whole family headed out to our church's 2nd annual "trunk or treat". there were 40-50 cars parked out with the trunks open and decorated for trick or treaters, a hayride, and food (including fire toasted s'mores). we all really enjoyed it - except for the crazy strong (and cold) wind! poor madelyn liked wearing her wig but it kept blowing all over the place and sliding off her head. it would have fallen off it i didn't have it bobby-pinned to a braid in the front of her hair. at least it was warm to wear since i made it with a ski cap and put a lot of yarn on it.
it was probably 50/50 for the people who knew that she was ariel and those who just thought she was a beautiful princess but everyone loved her wig (or at least lied about it). it was really cold out, but at least it wasn't snowing or raining. nothing was going to keep madelyn from trick or treating though. she loved getting "treats" for her pumpkin.

madelyn was very patient waiting her turn to get a treat. we waited the longest at the car with the glow stick bracelets and necklaces - the lady just didn't see madelyn standing there and madelyn was "waiting [her] turn". madelyn finally ended up with a purple glowing bracelet and just thought that it was the greatest thing.
mason spent the night snuggled tight in his stroller. he did so great dealing with the wind and even let daddy carry him for a little bit before taking a short snooze while we ate some food inside.

we took madelyn's wig off when we went in to eat some hot dogs, nachos, and caramel apples. we even let her eat a piece of candy (smarties) before going back out into the cold for s'mores (which she didn't want more of and daddy gave her the first bite before i was ready with the camera) and a hayride.

daddy took mason to the car while madelyn and i waited for the hayride. we waited a long time and it was really, really cold. i put my gloves on her hands trying to keep her warm. i tried to take a picture of us, but this was the best one i got. madelyn was too tired to look at the camera and smile.
i am so glad that i got to go this year! love.
1 comment:
what fun?! I'm trying to imagine it being that cold - how halloween is supposed to be. I think it was 87 degrees when we went Trick-or-Treating. blech!
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