as usual mason just hung out while we ran around and did the building project at home depot. i always feel bad when he spends a lot of time strapped in - either in his carrier or in his swing. once he woke up and we were home i got him out and on his belly. his head got too heavy for him for a few weeks after a noticeable growth spurt, but it seems like he is getting the hang of it again. not only is he able to lift his head up high again but he is starting to take a real interest in the toys around him. madelyn loves to pick toys from mason's room for him to look at. i have to limit her to 5 so that he has some room to move a little. related to his head getting too heavy he also stopped rolling over with that last growth spurt. he is getting really close to rolling over again and this time in both ways.

its so much fun to see mason begin to interact with toys and he has almost gotten quick enough to track madelyn. i really can't wait until he can laugh at her! love.
1 comment:
What a little man! Too cute. :)
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