Tuesday, October 13, 2009

tiger cubs

the high today was only going to be 47 but it was sunny and not very windy so i just couldn't stay home. we are going to have long stretches indoors this winter and i am trying to put off the cabin fever as long as possible.

we got a special surprise on this trip too - two new baby tiger cubs! i had no idea that there were cubs born this summer. it was neat to see them running around and playing. they even got the female tiger up and about. usually the tigers are sleeping when we come to see them so this was a nice change.

we have been taking a different path through the zoo each time we have gone recently. i just let madelyn pick the order to see the animals and off we go. it has really stretched my limited sense of direction. so we take the long way every now and then. today we got to see the wolves as a result (this was the first time we have ever seen them). the funny part is when madelyn is positive that she didn't want to see a certain animal until i say that we are going to head home and then all of the sudden it is a must see.

during our trip we also enjoyed the sun shining through the autumnal leaves, but there is just something wrong about seeing them above the flamingos - to a florida girl anyway. they also had halloween decorations around and madelyn would just laugh and laugh at them. i am not sure why she thought that they were so funny. she wouldn't let me take a picture of her with them though.
later she was interested in posing with some of the animals, but wouldn't hold still. she just kept trying to look at the animal instead of at the camera! here is her best pose with the baby gorilla statue. remember she asked for this picture and posed for it herself - notice her signature hand hold.
mason slept just about the whole time but when he was awake he took interest in the trees overhead and the lighting in the exhibits. more about him in my next post. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

I love that you're getting in the outdoor fun while its 'warm' - in the 40's!!!