Saturday, October 24, 2015

father/son camping

the text i got from matt last night read: "we are so unprepared for this." it came with the picture here so at least i knew that they had successfully gotten their tent up. and that mason was super excited to be there! it wasn't going to be warm at all, but at least it wasn't freezing.

we woke up to a stunning sunset this morning. the picture isn't even half as gorgeously red as it was in real life - even reflecting off of the pond. matt said they didn't even have anything close to this sunset when i sent it to him today. that and that he only slept for about 20 minutes. they were cold and a child's sleeping bag just didn't cut it for him. (by the way, i told him to stop at walmart and buy himself a sleeping bag.) poor guy.
while we were at the chess tournament, i started getting pictures of their camp fun...

archery was, by far, mason's favorite part of camping! by far. so much so that it trumped the story of the deer. let me explain. on their hike last night, matt saw something coming at them fast through the dark woods just moments before a deer slammed in to the dad walking about a foot behind them - knocking him to the ground! the guy was fine because he had landed in a bed of leaves and the deer didn't have antlers. the deer had fallen to the ground also before getting up and running off into the woods. crazy.

so the archery was pretty amazing.
this is not the complete picture of them riding a horse together, but matt cropped himself out for the purpose of the blog. in matt's defense, he was taking a selfie while on a horse with his son. let's just say that he was very focused on not falling off. and i love him so much.

while not a perfect trip (really what trip is?), they made a lot of memories. maddux can't wait to go with them next year! love.

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