Thursday, October 29, 2015

preschool harvest parties

in my head, these were simple snacks; there were few ingredients and no baking. but making them for both boys' preschool classes meant that i had to make 44 "pumpkin patch" cups and over 100 "apple" and "pumpkin" candies. the boys and their friends loved them. that is the payoff. (and secretly, i do enjoy making these crazy snacks.)

maddux snacking with his class.
the boys' classes came into the harvest party at the same time. they snack in their classrooms and then come play games together. the school decorates their gym super cute (the pumpkin balloon towers were a neat addition this year) with pumpkins and hay bales and lots of different games run by parents.

i missed that the parents needed to sit by a game and ended up helping with a pitching game. i was chasing balls and resetting so many times that i was working up a sweat!

the teachers were going around and taking pictures of the kids with their parents. for some reason, only my pictures with manning were posted to the school's facebook page.

i feel lucky that i am able to help more this year. love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z said...

You are amazing! I can't believe the work you put into snacks, but look at those smiles! Love the pics of you and Manning.