Sunday, October 11, 2015

road trip - niagara falls

we had looked into visiting niagara falls over a long weekend. there were a ton of groupon deals - awesome family packages - but when i checked our passports i found that they had expired earlier this year. sigh. instead of $30/ea. to renew them, it would be $110/ea.! the u.s. side would have to be good enough for now. and it really was! i was struck by several things - the state park is beautiful, the falls are smaller than i expected, the water is almost turquoise in clarity in a way i had never expected and it was awesome.

uncle john, mason and madelyn by the american falls

american falls and horseshoe falls

our family shot

the kids had so much fun

we loved spotting rainbows

the 'backside' of american falls

the power of the water was really amazing

aunt celeste with matt and the kids

this spot was so pretty

the opposite side of american falls

bridal veil falls

it was so beautiful. the day was kind of windy (we even got fairly wet from the spray at one point), but it was comfortable and sunny. we were fortunate to have such great tour guides with us! thank you so much for a great visit, uncle john and aunt celeste! love.

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