then we put madelyn in too and tried to get her to hold a wiggling mason. she cried a few times when the photographer had her get so close to mason that he bumped her in the face with his head. madelyn did a great job and was trying really hard to do what she was told. i don't think that it helped that the photographer was a little stressed and the room was crazy hot! i was getting a little stressed out too but we got a few keepers anyway.
here is a selection of some of the best ones. you can't really tell, but several of them were too blurry to order because of the kids moving.
after pictures at the mall we loaded back into the car for some lunch. we went to mcdonalds (which was packed) because madelyn wanted chicken nuggets. we circled the parking lot three times before finding a car that was leaving. once i parked i realized that mason had fallen asleep. since he was sleeping we left the parking spot and went through the drive thru instead. madelyn really wanted to get out of the car so i told her that we got to have a special car picnic before going shopping at target.

mason woke up while we were eating so i nursed him in the parking lot while madelyn was finishing her lunch. we had a lovely time at target. once our shopping was complete we bundled up and headed back out to the car. as a special treat for madelyn we went to get milkshakes. she has never had one before. while we were in the drive thru line madelyn announced that she needed to go potty. i told her that there was nothing i could do now and she would have to hold it. she said okay but a few minutes later she asked again. and then started crying saying, "i can't!" then she stopped and said that she went in her underwear a little. i told her to wait and she said okay before crying again. she was trying so hard not to go but couldn't hold it any more (the drive through was taking forever). the poor kid went through this four times before saying that she was done. i was so sad for her because she really, really tried not to go in her car seat. i let her have her milkshake, but wouldn't let her listen to her veggietales music.
i was spent after our outing and once i fed mason his lunch i told madelyn that she was taking a nap because mommy needed some alone time today (and she was so tired that she had fallen asleep while talking to me in the car on the way home - she fell asleep mid-sentence). so everyone is sleeping and i am catching up on posts. nap time for mommy now. love.