this might be one of my favorite milestones - the day we say good-bye to the baby carrier! my test for the transition is a successful shopping trip sitting in a cart. friday madelyn and i took mason to ride in the cart while we went to the pet store to look at the animals (fish and birds), buy dog food, and pick out christmas presents for our two dogs. mason did really great. i almost forgot to take a picture of his first ride and had to take the picture out in the cold wind right before putting him back into the car. at least he was still sitting up nice and straight without crying. he was really tired and hungry by the time we were ready to head home. we had already been to the library, to deliver christmas cards in the neighborhood, and to music class before heading to the pet store.

mason really likes his new seat and madelyn is glad for the upgrade too. she especially likes the armrests that go up and down. mason is excited that he can kick the mirror i use to see him with his feet. it has music and lights that turn on with a button towards to bottom of it so he can turn it off and on with his feet and that just adds to the kicking fun. we ended up with two of these, so madelyn requested that the other one be hung up for her to see and play with - between the two of them it looks and sounds like a disco back there when we drive around at night. after church we went for a drive around to look at christmas lights. i had to turn off the entertainment so that the kids would see the lights outside of the car.

this is how i found mason after his nap yesterday. it made me laugh because he looks like a happy little prisoner clinging to the bar. mason is sleeping through the night. and when i say sleeping through the night i am talking about 7:30-8 or so. on wednesday i had to wake him up at 9 because i wanted to feed him before taking madelyn to school. napping sort of depends on when he wakes up in the morning. if he wakes up before 8am, he takes two naps (9 and 2) for a couple hours each. if he wakes up after 8 he only takes one nap going down between 11 and 1 and then sleeping for 3-4 hours. the one nap actually works out really well with madelyn's school schedule and usually has him sleeping the whole time she is away so i can get a lot of work done. i have even had a few nights with both kids staying down and quiet all night. i have taken to going to sleep at 9:30 because i am so tired with no time for naps. the uninterrupted sleep has done wonders for me!

last night madelyn got up twice (asking for her music to be turned back on and then an hour later to blow her nose). somehow i never heard mason wake up this morning and matt did - this is really unheard of - so matt let me sleep in a little until mason just couldn't wait any longer. and just to make the morning extra special, matt made us all cinnamon rolls. i guess he appreciated me letting him sleep in yesterday. after breakfast daddy and madelyn worked on hanging coat hooks in the laundry room. with all the snow gear and madelyn being able to take her own stuff on and off we end up quite a large pile of gear just inside the garage door. now we won't have to navigate the wet gear on the way to the playroom either. thanks, daddy and madelyn! love.
1 comment:
Kinley's long been through with being carted around in the carrier, but we've still been using it as her carseat. Just this weekend, we decided to make the move - or plan for it - by buying a new car seat. We're still debating who is going to get it. Am I understanding correctly that you bought a new one for Madelyn and handed hers down to Mason? that's what we're thinking. What kind did you buy maddie?
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