she did have a momentary melt down when we first got into the line about not wanting to be there but i took her with me to get a coffee and she changed her tune. once we had my coffee she was ready to get back to daddy and mason in the line for santa. she even kept mason entertained the whole time we waited. she kept zipping and unzipping the window in his shade to play peek-a-boo, which he loved! i think he was a good distraction for her too.
i wanted to capture her excitement just in case she froze up when it was finally her turn to sit on santa's lap. so here is my 'interview' with her on the way to the mall (well, to get bagels before the mall).
while madelyn and i went to get coffee, the lady in front of matt and mason said to her baby, "he is quite a bit older than you are," before asking matt how old mason was; she then told him that her daughter was 8 months old! she then turned back around and didn't interact with us any more.
when we were about third or fourth in line someone came back for us to sign a waiver about santa being streamed live on the internet. i wish that i had known that ahead of time! i quickly tried to call my parents and matt's parents with the address so that they could see our photo session. nana was the only one home and she really enjoyed being able to see it. madelyn held my hand and we went up to santa where she told him her name and then got up on his lap for her picture. after the picture she answered his questions and told him that she wanted a candy cane - he said, "anything else?" nope. just the candy cane. she even went back to give him a high-five. i wonder if a real beard makes a difference in the 'scary' factor?

so the miracle is that we had a painless experience where both kids looked at the camera and mostly smiled for a cute santa picture. i was ready for the worst and our kids gave us their best! love.
What a great picture! I love Maddie's sunglasses in the video :)
Yay! for Maddie and Mason! What a great shot :) We finally got Lorelai to go without crying last night and then again tonight, but Kinley wanted Mommy and turned on the waterworks.
Maddie looks so mature in the Santa pics. I know you mentioned a few posts back neighbors saying she was changing... I agree. What a cute pair :)
It was so great to see them today at their Santa visit and what great pictures. They were so good - you were lucky! Loved the video too. Good luck finding a candy cane that big for Christmas!!!! Love, Nana
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