now that he can sit up for short periods of time she tries to bring him bigger and better toys. she also frequently tells me that mason wants to come play in the playroom. i think mason gets a little overwhelmed with all the colors and toys in the room. he just looks around the room as far as he can get his head to turn in each direction over and over - almost in a state of shock or amazement.
i try to encourage him to try new things. today i sat him in front of what we call the "american idol toy" because he really likes to look in mirrors and laugh at his reflection. madelyn got really excited to see him looking at something she likes too and came right over to turn it on and show him how to push the buttons.

as a last random note for the day, madelyn repeats almost everything she hears from toys (songs too), but she doesn't always get them right and it is impossible to convince her of the correct words. here are some of my favorite misunderstandings:
1. real - "a rescue attempt would be illogical"; madelyn - "a rescue attempt would be a lunchbox"
2. real - "orange, orange" (in a very southern twang); madelyn - "around, around" (she spins around while singing this one)
3. real - "in and out, in and out, that's what dump trucks are about"; madelyn - "in and down, in and down..."
i love it! love.
So cute. Lorelai does that, too - makes up her own versions and there is just no convincing her she is incorrect.
Mason is getting sooo big. How's that patch on his cheek? Did he bump it? He does look a little overwhelmed but look who his big sister is. Reminds me of someone!!
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