- mason can sit on his own for several seconds. i think i can get a picture or video really soon.
- he is back to sleeping 11-12 hours a night! hooray! he wakes up once or twice, but he doesn't eat and falls back to sleep pretty quickly - matt goes in to rock him a little. except for last night when he laughed for an hour before going back to sleep without us going in.
- he and madelyn are really becoming the best of friends. he is always looking for her and laughing with/at her. and she is always saying that she "needs [her] mason".
- mason is rolling/scooting/moving all over the place now. he keeps getting all tangled up in the crib bars while rolling around in his crib so we might have to put the bumper on soon.
- he is starting to wear his 12 month clothes and 18-24 month pjs. i am looking forward to his appointment in a few weeks to find out how big he is now.
- mason brings his hands together to grab things very regularly. he has really excellent coordination - at least compared to how i remember madelyn moving.
- he definitely recognizes/knows the words "more", "eat", and "hungry"! when i say one of these and/or do the sign he perks right up and opens his mouth. madelyn is helping me teach him the signs too - very fun.
he is such a happy, smiley guy. we love him a lot. love.
1 comment:
Such a happy boy- laughing himself to sleep in the wee hours!!! Too cute :)
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