the appointment went really well. mason is healthy, happy, and barely cried at all when he got his shots. i thought for sure he would wail because he was way past nap time and starting to get a little fussy. any way, here are his 6-month stats:
height: 29" (98.84 percentile) - the exact height madelyn was at her 6-month appointment
weight: 19lbs. 13oz. (87.55 percentile) - madelyn was 16lbs. 5oz.
head circumference: 45.7 (94 percentile)
bmi: 34th percentile
i guess the weight difference is what makes such a difference in the way madelyn's hand-me-downs fit. and mason is in no way chubby. even the doctor said that he is actually pretty slim for his height. he just has a bigger build than madelyn. i thought for sure that he would measure out taller, but the weight difference is pretty substantial. and he eats for every ounce of it! the doctor couldn't believe how much food he eats a day - especially when she saw his weight. here is a rundown of the foods he has eaten up to this point:
sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, pears, peaches, apricots, plum, oatmeal, brown rice, barley, raspberries, prunes, and apples
he also did really well with her "sitting game". he is sitting up really well and sits up surprisingly straight. he is also starting to reach for toys laying in front of him without falling over. when he does start to fall he does nothing to catch himself and seems to like to throw his head back when he starts to fall to the side. he will get the hang of it eventually.
he wasn't quite old enough for the flu shot, so we are going to try and go back in january for that. and that is everything i can think of from the appointment. love.
Still so smiley and cute! almost 20 lbs? Seriously!? That's what 11-month old Kinley weighs!!
Mason is just going to be a Big Boy. He certainly looks very healthy. Great job Mom!
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