mason is really starting to get frustrated about not being about to move around on his own. he sits up pretty well and is really starting to scoot himself around. all the effort must be burning a ton of calories because he is eating us out of house and home! matt has been joking about getting a second job. mason has been eating 2-1/2 to 3 jars of stage 2 foods three times a day (a total of 9) on top of normal nursing.

while i was working this morning, mason was trying to launch himself out of his bouncer seat. he is just loving that he has a chance at moving around soon. we are waiting to see if he crawls by christmas like madelyn did. honestly, i think that he has a chance at it.
here is a little video of him bouncing around in his chair while looking for something to get into...

sleep has been a little tricky for some reason over the past few days. mason just doesn't want to sleep at night. we had two really rough nights where he would fall asleep right away while we were holding him but will totally loose it the second we laid him in the crib. it has been frustrating and exhausting to matt and me, but so far tonight has been better. it is no fun to be tired. love.
Gobble, gobble, gobble.... that's me just eating him up. :) Ok, so our first kids have/had many similarities, and now it sounds like our seconds, do, too. Mason's appetite resembles Kinley's at that age. She still eats SO well!!
I can NOT believe how much he is eating! Amazing! We tried solids but stopped because it seemed to make her fussy so she is still only on breastmilk. We will retry soon. Our sleep issues have improved. We bumped up her prevacid last week so her reflux was better controlled but she would still scream her head off whenever we laid her in the crib. Finally, the last two nights we let her cry. She fell asleep within 15 minutes and stayed down for 8 hours. First time in a month. Good luck. Being tired does suck!
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