mason got into the presents first thing this morning (with some scooting and rolling) - i caught him red handed.
daddy made us breakfast (and cleaned it up), so i got to enjoy some time chatting with madelyn at the table. as has become routine, madelyn was asking where we were going today. i told her that we were going to make a cake for jesus, go church, and then put out our reindeer food and cookies for santa. she said, "no, not that church, CHURCH!" if you listen in the video you can tell the difference of inflection. i guess she meant that today was super special church.
we had about four inches of snow last night and madelyn went out to help daddy clear the drive way. i think she misses having daddy actually shovel. the snow thrower is cool but she doesn't like how she has to stay away the whole time and that daddy walks "really far away" down the sidewalks while clearing the snow. i have to stand at the front door so that she doesn't feel like she is all alone and matt doesn't have to worry about not being able to see/hear her.
while they were out in the snow, mason and i stayed in where it was warm.

while mason took his nap madelyn and i watched christmas movies and worked on our birthday cake for jesus (more on that tomorrow). madelyn is really, really excited that it is baby jesus' birthday and has been singing "happy birthday, jesus" all month. i guess baking the cake today made her think about his presents. she was very concerned that there were no presents under the tree for baby jesus, so she started to pick out some of hers to give him. i was so touched and proud. here is some video of me trying to ask her about what she had been telling us.
i had to work in the nursery for the 3:00 service so i left matt to fend for himself and get both kids dressed and ready for the 4:30 service on his own. the crazy thing was that it was pouring out - as in rain! we went from lots of snow to around an inch of rain. i just hope it turns back into snow tomorrow so that i get a "white christmas" (that is one of the best parts of living in the north). here are pictures of the kids after church.
then cookie and milk for santa, carrots for the reindeer, into new jammies, and off to bed. i can't wait for all the excitement tomorrow! love.
too too too cute. Your christmas card was the one my in-laws commented on as 'such beautiful kids' when they got here (I hang all our cards). I love that she gave gifts to baby Jesus. So sweet. Daddy days off are great! Maddie looks super-imposed in the picture of her with Daddy blowing snow in the back. She also looks bummed she can't use her red shovel. Hope you get your white Christmas!
Sounds like a great day...and very similar to ours! James had the same magic reindeer food from school, and we opened Christmas jammies as well! Merry Christmas to you all!
Loved ALL the pics and videos. What a cute blue sweater Mason has on. Loved the last picture of Maddie holding up her pjs and the one with her helping Mason. We got your white Christmas here in KS for sure. It is still snowing tonight (lightly). I walked Max down the road which is finally plowed. He loves the snow. They say this is the first blizzard in 20 years??? Was the reindeer food gone this morning??? :)
Love, Nana
You'll have to teach Maddie that Jesus wants us to give His presents to other people, which I'm sure you already are. That video is priceless! In Florida, we had real Christmas weather(Dad says)in the warm air and under the Palm Trees. Love the reindeer food idea. Remember that we used to leave carrots and cookies?
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