this morning when i went in to get mason he was just sitting in the middle of his crib looking at his room. he wasn't even making that much noise. this was a first and it is funny because i was just thinking yesterday that i was surprised he hadn't tried to sit up in his crib yet.
and then once he was fed and in the living room he
maneuvered himself over the window so that he could pull up and look outside.

pulling up onto his knees is really as far as he has made it when it comes to pulling up (mainly because of his sister's willingness to help him back down). the picture is from the morning, but this afternoon he pulled himself up to standing and then only held on with one hand like in the picture. unfortunately, my camera was in the car and i couldn't get it fast enough to get a picture of him standing all the way up. and not only did he stand up but he moved from the toy to the ottoman! he really might walk before he crawls - at the rate he is going anyway.

mason keeps putting the basket over his head. he does this while laying down and sitting up. he does it on purpose but usually cries when i take it off of him - kind of like he is mad that i removed it.
Mason is just too cute. I tell you he'll be walking before he ever crawls! Oh boy, but when he gets going, you'll be very busy! Love the cap picture.
Yay, Mason! He is just so smiley. He and Kinley would have fun smiling at each other. Although, kinley doesn't always smile for pictures. Mason sure does. Speaking of walking... Kinley figured it out today and is finally a walking pro! yippee!
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