Friday, March 26, 2010

daddy's first music class

we had a service call scheduled for this morning and i had asked daddy if he could come home so that we could still go to music class. but then i had a brilliant idea! daddy could take madelyn to music class and i could stay home and work while mason napped. madelyn was SO excited that daddy was going to go to class with her! that is how i was able to get this super cute picture of them.

now for madelyn's outfit. she started with her favorite shirt - a grey turtleneck with a small rhinestone heart - and selected black leggings. but then she remembered that she needed pockets for the "catch a shooting star and put it in your pocket" song so we added the red, white, and blue patterned skirt with pockets. then daddy wouldn't let her wear her sandals because it was too cold, madelyn just added her ariel socks for warmth. and just to have that final touch she topped it off with her brown, velour, polka dot hoodie. i love these outfits! there is such a small window in life when you can dress with this kind of abandon and i want her to enjoy every minute of it.

another daddy point that i keep forgetting to mention (and not intentionally) is that madelyn often says, "daddy you are a genius!" just out of the blue she says this enthusiastically. what is even funnier is that we have no idea where she got this and she usually uses in at an appropriate time (or when it can be seen as perfectly sarcastic). she only says it for daddy too. it's good to be daddy.

madelyn doesn't nap most days but at least once a week she goes into her room and falls asleep in her tent. i'll here her playing and she will be wide-awake and then there will be silence. she tucks herself in under a giant pillow and goes to sleep. she usually lays down for these impromptu naps around 4 which can leave her a little fussy for dinner time if we have to wake her. she is a really deep sleeper like her daddy and doesn't like to be woken up - not that it is easy to wake her up anyway. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

aww, she loves her daddy! That picture is super cute- I see Father's Day gift potential there! maybe in a special frame for work. I love her outfit and think it matches just fine :)

Anonymous said...

So glad that you thought of Matt going to music class. What a cute picture. Wouldn't mind a copy of that. :) I wish I could have been a mouse in the corner to watch the 2 of them at music! Loved the outfit too - you're right about that time window but I do see some rather odd things these days. Hopefully Matt's head won't swell too big with that genius stuff - ha! Love, Nana