i asked madelyn to go get her shoes on so we could leave. she sat down and examined her toe nails (something she does almost daily to see if they are long enough for me to cut them again) and told me that she had a black think on her toe. i told her to come over and show me that i was probably just dirt that needed to be wiped off. but, no. it was a huge splinter! and since she had been inside all day on tuesday with us sickies, it had to at least have been in there since monday - if not longer!
thankfully, it just had a little bit of red started on her toe so i wasn't too worried about infection. and it came out very easily. i put a little neosporin and a band-aid on it and madelyn was ready to go. when i looked at her toe this afternoon you could hardly tell that anything had happened so i think that we are in the clear. i was just still shocked that we hadn't noticed sooner and wonder just how long it had been there. we definitely need to inspect her better at bath time.

mason was racing around while i was getting our lunches ready. he is starting to truly understand the freedom crawling gives him. he takes off down the hall to the bedrooms and helps himself to anything he can see and reach. madelyn decided this afternoon that she needs to keep the bathroom door closed so that mason didn't try to play in there - i agreed.
i thought that some fresh air and sunshine would be good for mason and i, so we stopped at the park on our way home from picking up madelyn from school. madelyn has been waiting to go to the park and see her friends for a while but the timing has just not worked out. she was very happy to see kids, even ones she didn't know, playing at the park when we got there. mason had a great time swinging in the sunshine and sampled the stick and leaf selection on the ground. unfortunately, he found them to be pretty tasty.
at dinner madelyn added "and help mommy to feel better" to the end of daddy's prayer over our dinner. she is such a sweet girl. i could not have asked her to be any sweeter or more obedient this week while i haven't been feeling well. she actually earned back several toys for her good deeds. and i am happy to report that she has continued to take care of them. love.
I am so glad you are having such nice weather.
Mason 's eyes are beautiful and his hair is getting so blonde. What a cutie! Too funny about her checking her toenails. I am happy to hear that her toe is not hurting her.
I can't believe SHE didn't notice the splinter. Yaay for earning back toys. Now that we're settling in, I plan to revisit love and logic. Fresh air!!! woot woot! It was already 'hot' here today :(
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