it really looks like braces are going to be in mason's future at this rate because these teeth are crazy. the picture does not do it justice. it looks like the center right tooth is going to come in next. you could see one point of it before the gums started to swell up again. we will see how straight, or not, that one comes in. at least his bottom two are straight at this point.
oh well, he still has a really cute smile. love.
Ford's looked all crazy coming in too, but then once they had all come in they were perfectly straight, maybe Mason will have the same thing happen. His smile still is ADORABLE! Can't wait to kiss his cheeks!
Man, that's a mouth full of teeth :)
His mouth just has to grow into his beautifully large teeth! You will probably be pleasantly surprised when he gets his permanent teeth in or even before then as his mouth grows. He's adorable!
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