this morning she was studying up on her vocabulary before we left for the zoo. she actually asked me to read her this book before she pretended to take a nap this afternoon.
i didn't get any pictures at the zoo today because madelyn wasn't in the mood, but we had a really great time. mason was very interested in everything today! he favorites were the giraffes and the lions. i think he was impressed with the height of the giraffes because he looked up with his mouth hanging open the whole time. and he never took his eyes off the lioness (is that really a correct term?) as she paced back and forth. he also went to sleep without a peep when i laid him back in his stroller - a major difference from how napping used to go (or not go) during public outings. it was colder than i thought it would be because it was so damp but it was still wonderful to walk around and get some fresh air!
i have one last note because i keep forgetting to mention it. it is such a little thing but i know that it is something i will want to remember. instead of crossing her pointer and middle fingers, madelyn crosses her ring finger and pinkie. she does it with both hands too. i had never seen that before and she does it pretty often for no apparent reason. so there you go. love.
I am not surprised that Maddie is interested in Spanish. I'm so glad that she is interested in the Cheerios book too.It's great you got to go to the zoo and not surprising at all that Mason loves giraffes(look who his grandfather is). Sounds like a great day!!
What a cool book. I may have to look for it for Lorelai. Your mom's comment is funny- tall kids liking tall animals :) Glad you had some pleasant weather to be outside :)
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