Saturday, August 11, 2012

it's always mason...

while madelyn and i (and manning) were at the library, daddy took mason to the pediatrician to confirm our hunch...
yep.  lyme disease.  the pictures show two bites with the 'bullseye' rash (not well because he wouldn't hold still). he is on antibiotics and that should take care of it.

we were joking that it it has to do with skin, mason is going to get the worst of it.  so far no one else has the rash and mason has no other symptoms.  we will just keep an eye on everyone for the next month or so to make sure they are in the clear.

again, it is never dull around here.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Gosh, I wouldn't have known what that was. How on earth are you guys familiar with the signs for Lyme disease? Hope he's ok.

Grandma Z. said...

Poor Mason. He is so sensitive. I'm so glad you caught it early.