Tuesday, August 7, 2012


madelyn and mason are attending vacation bible school this week at the church where they are enrolled in preschool.  (vbs was the week manning was born at our church so they didn't go.)  the only problem is that vbs is at night.  our kids generally go to sleep by 8pm and vbs goes until 8:30.  by the time we get out of there it is closer to 9 and we just try to get them showered and in bed as quickly as possible.

maddux' favorite part of a few hours without his siblings?  bathtime alone!  he played in the tub for a long time tonight and i even gave him a bubble bath.  it might have been his first bubble bath, and if not, it was the first one he remembers because he thought that it was the greatest thing.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Aw. He looks so content to be alone in there.