Sunday, April 28, 2013

mops family dinner

we had another mops family dinner.  after we ate, the kids all painted terra cotta pots that was later filled with a small flowering plant.  they had a really great time.  unfortunately it was raining so we had to stay inside instead of using the playground like we had planned.  instead one of the moms organized a game of simon says and then duck, duck, goose.  it was pretty cute to see the littles playing duck, duck, goose.  when mason would get 'goosed', maddux would run around with them!  whether playing by the rules or just running, they all had a lot of fun.  love.


Grandma Z. said...

It's so nice that you have that great facility to use. Looks like all the kids had fun.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Great idea. Do your kids make up half of the group? :)