Tuesday, April 30, 2013

double sick visit

this morning i had to call for two sick visits - manning and maddux.  manning actually seems a little better and i would have given him another 24-hours before calling, but maddux was up all night complaining about his ear so i decided to just save myself a trip.  (plus, nana is coming on thursday and i don't want to still be dealing with this if we can help it.)

maddux has another ear infection.  it must be fairly bad because she was a little surprised to see that his other ear was clear and commented on how much puss and redness there was in the infected one.  so he is on antibiotics for the next 10 days.  his last ear infection was in december but he just had that sinus infection in march so she is giving him something different this time.

manning has fluid in his ear but not an infection.  he has almost has a fever for 72 hours so she said that we should really watch that because she starts to 'worry' after that length of time.  she said that it could be that we caught his ear before it is infected so i could just call if his fever gets worse and i think it is his ear - she won't make us come back in for an antibiotic.  his lungs were clear but she wants us to keep an eye on his coughing and breathing because she has seen a few cases of pneumonia in the past few weeks.  she did not think it was rsv at all.

in short, poor little manning is still miserable and there isn't a whole lot that can be done.  he had me hold or nurse him all day yesterday - when i put him down he would just scream.  i was spent when the day was over and then mason and maddux ended up in our bed all night too.  this has been a really long sleepless week for me between all three boys (and matt a little too, he sleeps heavier but has been up late working).

is it summer yet?  we need fresh air and less exposure to other kids!  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Oh, that's no fun. At least your doctor was cool and ready to offer Rx, without you having to return. Maddux's on-goings in his ear sound quite disgusting. I hope Manning is feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is feeling better. I hope you do not fret over my visit. Truly! I guess I need a place to sleep but we can just sit back and rest. Doc put me on drugs - a 5 day pack - to get rid of my hives, or whatever. So I can't sleep, which is why I'm writing this at 12:40!! Maybe I will be able to sleep by the weekend??? I did think about canceling my visit. I hope the boys are feeling better. If I can help entertain them, I'll be glad to do that. Nana