Wednesday, April 3, 2013


i spent some time trying to figure out a spring themed snack for mason to bring to school on friday.  that way i could run by the store if i needed anything.  only i forgot that today was wednesday and panicked once the kids were in bed that i had forgotten about snack.  i quickly picked these bumblebees and then got to work.  they are oatmeal, honey (i used agave nectar) and peanut butter balls drizzled with chocolate and topped with two almond slivers as wings.  cute, right?  
but remember that i forgot it was wednesday.  i thought that it was thursday and that he was snack friend tomorrow.  nope.  at least his snack is ready for friday.

i am really batting a thousand this week...  in my defense, i did have a crippling migraine today.  my brain was left as mush more or less.  tomorrow can only be better.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Those look cute AND tasty. Very creative of you. If I was in a pinch (or thought I was wink, wink), I would have surely copped out with something store bought. Good for you!

mom2mlg said...

but that would require going to the store... ;)

Grandma Z. said...

The kids must love it when Mason brings the snacks!! Wow, very cute.

Anonymous said...

Great idea. So cute!!