Saturday, April 27, 2013

soccer outside

it was daddy's big first game as a coach.  i thought he did a really great job.  i think the most difficult part is keeping track of the substitutions and trying to give everyone equal playing time.  madelyn started the game crying - again.  she said that she didn't want to leave me.  i reminded her that daddy would be on the field with her the whole time but that just got her on the field.  it took some more time for the crying to stop.

today we tried something different.  instead of bringing a bunch of chairs and the stroller, we brought one chair and the wagon.  this was way better!  mason and maddux took turns between the wagon seat and my lap and it was easier for them to play with manning.  we will be doing this every week it isn't raining (they will play indoors if it rains).

madelyn had a pretty great game.  she ran hard and was at the front of the pack with the ball most of the time.  she just needs to work on kicking into the goal quicker.  she would spend so much time lining up that the other kids would catch up and she would miss her chance.  she didn't score any goals, but she easily could have scored several.  she is very competitive, but not aggressive yet.

she is the lead yellow shirt

a huddle with coach daddy
they set the fields up a little different this year and there was a large empty field right behind us where mason and maddux could run and play too.  i think mason is going to be pretty good when he gets old enough to play.  he has some good coordination with the ball and is fast, but you never know...
yay for a beautiful first game saturday!  love.


Grandma Z. said...

Looks like a successful day with everyone having fun, even daddy. Love all the pictures. If Madelyn ever gets aggressive, watch out!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see a game! She sure looks focused and like she is giving it her all. :) Nana