Wednesday, April 10, 2013

fashion sense

all three bigs dress themselves head to toe each day - which i love.  the boys seem to have picked up on madelyn's general sense of style too.  they were both wearing some noteworthy spring looks today and i had to take some pictures.
i love how they are obviously trying to pick the same colors for the top and bottom.  i am not sure how much they help each other (they close the closet door when selecting and sometimes all three of them are in there) but i sure do love the results!  love.


Grandma Z. said...

Love that they have learned their style from Maddie. They are such handsome boys!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Madelyn's style is quite influential. I LOVE how kids just look to find a matching color and ignore everything else. I can only imagine the wardrobe discussions in the closet :)