Tuesday, April 9, 2013

another sunny day

man, could we get used to this?!  the boys and i have missed playing out in the yard!  
manning wasn't really feeling the grass - it was cold and poke-y - and happily played on a blanket.  the sun was too bright for him so he couldn't look at the camera for me, he tried.
we played frisbee, t-ball, soccer, rode bikes and scooters, drove the cozy coupe, drew with chalk and broke out some 'smash balls' too.
i think we all got a little bit of sun as well.  time to get some more sunscreen!  love.


Anonymous said...

Maddux's legs look so little in that picture of him. Cute! He sure is built different from his brothers. (Derek always had skinny little legs!) Looks like you all enjoyed the outside. I planted pots today so it CANNOT freeze!!! I want some springtime! Nana

Witenkling Mommy said...

Funny how grateful you are for sun, and sometimes I feel like its summer already down here.... looks like Maddux's cheeks weren't too familiar with the whole sun thing either :)