Tuesday, April 30, 2013

tuesday tip - let's see what else we can find

this is my go-to phrase for that kid who has stalled out when i want/need to keep moving - "let's go see what else we can find!" (it has to be said with happy enthusiasm to be effective.)  a kid won't stop begging for a cookie at the store?  "let's go see what else we can find!"  you have been watching the penguins for 30 minutes?  "hey, let's go see what else we can find!"  they are melting down because daddy is leaving?  "let's go see what else we can find!"  i don't even have to be specific.  in fact, i think it works because i am not specific, it is like the promise of a surprise.

if that doesn't immediate work then i add "say 'bye-bye' to..."  that gets the job done 9-1/2 times out of 10.

it can be hard to keep going when everything they see is so fascinating!

what is your favorite 'keep moving' distraction?


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

That's a good line. My lines tend to change. With Knox, he gets really into his cars, and sometimes other things, so we tell him to say goodnight/goodbye to them. Often he even throws in several blown kisses and happily detaches himself from them.